If you’re wanting a reservation NOW:
Cute Little Cottage has taken off her white hat of snow. Her green roof now matches the new sprouts just poking their heads through the newly thawed ground. She drops her necklace of icy crystals and they glisten as they land at her feet. Her yellow dress with its green trim blends in with the daffodil, forsythia, and new grass. Like a grandmother’s apron pockets, her deck fills up with flowerpots, the huge rockers and the table and chairs. Soon the Hummingbird feeders will hang from her eves like Rudy earrings. She knows well that raccoon that stopped by earlier to peak in her door just to see who‘s new. During the summer he’ll bring his family around to maybe catch a bite to eat! Momma squirrel strolled down her deck rail, not too fast, as she is very round this time of year. The Does bring their new Spotted Fawns to graze while we rock on her deck. We breathe the air perfumed by blooming flowers and watch the wild things in their world.
HERE’S A Detailed Look Inside The Cottage:
Out-Door Great-Room The Living Area The Kitchen
The Dining
Cottage Garden Bedroom TheBass-room Coin Harvey Bedroom
Entertainment Shelves
TAKE A Quick Look Inside The Cabin:
Every detail in Cute Little Cottage Vacation Rental was chosen with an eye to your needs and to what will make you comfortable. All you need to bring are your groceries and your bags, because everything else is here, waiting for you. This little cabin is ready for you to choose how to spend your vacation. The only limitations are enough time here to do them all or to go see them all.

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Thanks for visiting Cute Little Cottage’s pages! Take a minute… look around… see what a stay at the cabin provides… then have a great Vacation!
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