You’ll fall in love with this Vacation Cottage kitchen!
Cute Little Cottage has a full sized Kitchen with all the items you SHOULD expect to find in a quality rental! Then more items should be added over what you might expect to find. This sets a vacation rental above what you define as an average rental!
So come on into the Cute Little Cottage Kitchen. This is where you prepare food for those you care about. Special care is taken to disinfect surfaces before your visit, (in the kitchen and throughout the entire house). There are also cleaning supplies in the cabinet. Food is an important part of your vacation, so enjoy this kitchen!
Please explore the Kitchen… take a good look around.
You Should know what you will find before you get here!
Would you like to “see” what’s behind those cabinet doors?
Go ahead… Open the cabinets ‘n look inside!
Do let me know if there is anything else you might need!
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Thanks for visiting Cute Little Cottage’s pages! I’m so glad you stopped by. Here you’ll find out what a stay at the cabin provides! So… take a minute… look around… and have a great Vacation!
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