SOME FUN SIGHTS TO SEE… Around The Cottage Yard
Living on Beaver Lake is wonderful, but living away from the city has some very interesting and unique problems to solve. I will share some of these tiny stories on this page. I do hope the way some things came to be will make you smile.
The Big Bobber
Propane Tanks are difficult to deal with. Mine had to be set out front near the road so the large truck can reach it with his fill hose from the road. I searched in three states until I found this little tank. Now I have the perfect tank for a Lake Cottage.I think it’s quite unique. I guess you could say “it’s a case of taking lemons and making lemon aid!” This tank was built in the late 1940’s. It took a lot of scraping and sanding to remove that many years of paint. But that, with a little auto body putty, and a lot of new paint leaves this bobber sitting pretty, just waiting for a fish to bite…
We now have what has turned out to be what my guests look for first!
“The Cute Gigantic Bobber” is now there to welcome my guests before I do.
Count the Bobbers
There are bobbers popping up around the cottage. The kids that have come to the cottage made a game called “count The Bobbers”. How many boobers are there now?

Yellow Trash
It seem everything out of necessity, ends up being in the front of the cottage. Of course trash is picked up at the road. Through theyears I have tried every conceivable method to have the trash at the road (very early in the mornings) and to keep the animals from dispersing it all over Horseshoe Bend. The trash pickup was also being missed too often.
Trash Box” that has driven the Raccoons crazy!
You wouldn’t believe how hard the critter try to get into this box. You should see the paw prints they leave behind!
I win! I win! I win… ! At least I have until the little varmints figure a way in.

Humming Bird Feeders
Bird Baths
Daffodil Garden
Marigold Garden
Butterfly Garden
The Big Bobber
Count the Bobbers
Deer Proof Flowers
Hen House
Yellow Trash Box
Mail box
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Walk The Cottage Grounds
Thanks for visiting Cute Little Cottage’s pages! Take a minute… look around… see what a stay at the cabin provides… then have a great Vacation!
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