Cute Little Cottage
I know for many guests pets are like children. For this reason, I do not limit pet size or breed of pets are allowed. I want you to know that I enjoy my pet guests very much, and make every effort to make their visit a happy one! We usually become good friends during their stay. Pets do love their visits at Cute Little Cottage and love the freedom they can have in our private cove
PETS are allowed with PRIOR Approval… based on property owner and pet owner agreeing to the following conditions:
1. Supervision:
All pets must be under the complete control of a responsible guest, and must be on a hand-held leash at all times when not in the fenced yard. The Guest agrees NOT to leave pet(s) alone, or TO ROAM FREELY THROUGHOUT THE HOME. Kennels, crates or vehicles should be used to house pets when owners are not visually supervising pets.
2. General– The pet is:
housebroken, on flea medication, is current on all vaccinations not prone to shedding, not prone to damaging property not prone to barking or howling
3. Pet Setup and Cleaning Fee:
The pet owner pays a $98 non-refundable one time pet “Pet Setup and Cleaning Fee” per pet. Guest(s) agree to pay an additional fee for a second pet, and the extra pet cleaning fee billed at $25/hr if excessive hair is left. Larger dogs or more than two dogs will require an additional charge.
4. Furniture:
Pets are not allowed on the furniture or beds unless a protective cover is in place. Covers are provided in the cottage.
5. Damage:
Note: For your protection, a Blue light is used to locate urine, feces, vomit or other soiled areas before you arrive and after you leave to be certain there are no residual evidence of a pet visit. Guest agrees to pay the repair cost assessed by Cute Little Cottage for any damage done by a guest’s pet, including but not limited to chewing furniture, staining carpet (pet urine, feces, vomit), scratching glass, doors, furniture, walls, window coverings or screens.
6. Waste Removal:
Guests are responsible for removing all pet excretions and pet hair from the property or other areas, place waste in a plastic bag, tie closed and dispose of it in the trash . Guests agree to pay a fee of $10. for each poop left.
7. Behavior:
The guest agrees not to bring aggressive or unruly dogs for the safety of other guests and children in the area. If a complaints is received regarding barking or aggressive pet behavior, the guest agrees, to leave with their pet and to forfeiture of all rents and security deposit.
8. Pet Noise:
The Guest agrees to monitor pet’s noise so that neighbors are not disturbed.
9. Vaccinations and Preventative Medications:
Guests must provide certificate that the pet is up-to-date on rabies/all vaccinations, and is on medication for parasites and flea and tick prevention.
10. Indemnify / Hold Harmless:
The Guest agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend property owner against all liability, judgments, expenses (including attorney’s fees), or claims by third parties for any injury to any person or damage to property of any kind whatsoever caused by their pet(s).
11. Payment / Security Deposit:
Guest agrees to Cute Little Cottage receiving payment using credit card on file and/or deducted from the security deposit if repairs or other fees are assessed.
Guest further agreed that their liability shall not be limited to the loss of the Security Deposit, and will pay any additional charges assessed resulting from pet damage.
Yes, Pets do love to go on vacation, too!

Thanks for visiting Cute Little Cottage’s pages! I’m so glad you stopped by. Here you’ll find out what a stay at the cabin provides! So… take a minute… look around… and have a great Vacation!
I’d love to hear from you… leave me a note on the form to your left, I’ll get back to you right away!
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